Drawings of Paul Klee (Master Draughtsman Series)

Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Drawing

Drawings of Paul Klee (Master Draughtsman Series) Details


I have to admit that Klee is an artist close to my heart and when I paintI see his work in my mind, and have been told my work carries his playful spirit and Ifeel humbled. These drawings are an inside view of Klee's brain working.When I buy books that concern the drawings of an artist....I expect to playwith them in my own sketch books. Klee is so unique, it is almost impossibleto play with his sketches because they are so whispy. This is a book withvery little words , it is page after page of his ink pen spirits breathed upfor his paintings. I have to say, I expected grounded dark ink templetes,but as in his paintings that gently appear on magical materials... puttingtogether medias that continue to surprise, the drawings do the same, but without his finished touch. So unlike the book I acquiredon Picasso's sketches...Klee's sketches seem locked in a little magical safethat one must have the combination to retreive the jewels. When I first received the book, I felt a bit cheated.Now, though, looking at the drawings again and again, the combination seemsto slowly appear and time after time, I receive another bit of information, ornumber , if you will, to the drawing in the jeweled box. The book contains 30 - 40 or more drawings. To appreciate this book one needsview each drawing over and over and the conversation begins. One will seedrawings that became works of collected materials only Klee could put together.I started to give this book 4 stars and then I remembered that his secretsare embryos and impossible to judge by just viewing the drawings. I think oneneeds to play the game of matching up the idea on paper with the painting.Paul Klee is all about breathing color. So one must get past the shock ofthe naked drawings and see beyond. I loved this book. If you are a Klee fan, you must own this.

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